Playing age: 30 - 40 years Size: 1,66m Clothing size: EU 34-36, UK 8-10 Shoe size: EU 37, UK 4 Hair colour: blonde Eye colour: green-grey-brown
Languages: German, English Voice: soprano Instruments: piano, guitare, flute Sports: yoga, running, slacklining, cycling, swinning Dance: Jazzdance, Modern, Ballett, Latinjazz, latinamerican and standard ballroom dances Drivers licence: B
Höhere Technische Lehranstalt Camillo Sitte, Structural Engineering - Matura UniversityVienna, Law and Astronomy
Film London Film Academy - Filmmaking University of Staffordshire | Raindance Postgraduate Degree - Filmmaking, Master of Arts DeMontford University - practice-based research doctoral training programme, Film (in progress) Singing Act & Sing, Mag. Svenja Schreiber Voice pedagogy:Franz Schubert Konservatorium, Jazzgesang
Acting Actorsstudio Pallas, Vienna, Mag. Dunja Tot, role study, Sanford Meisner, Camera Acting – Austrian State Diploma in Acting Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, London - Contemporary Drama Improvisation, Willy Gantsch Acting for the Camera, Catherine Jarvis (Australia) Shakespeare Masterclass, Danny Sapani – Theatre Royal Haymarket, London
Diction & Rethoric Steffi Hofer (German) Rachel Nicholson (English, RP) Fritz von Friedel (Voiceover)
FILM Film / TV (Acting):
2021: DIE ZWEI SCHABERNACK-ENGEL Dir: Romana Carén/ WHAT ART - Creative Productions/ Tessa
2020: NO MOTHER Dir: Romana Carén/ WHAT ART - Creative Productions/ Gloria
2019: SMILE Dir: Romana Carén/ WHAT ART - Creative Productions/ Rebecca
2016: UNIVERSUM HISTORY: MARGARETHE OTTILLINGER Dir: Klaus T. Steindl/ ORF, epofilm/ Angela
2015-2016: PEACE, JOY & EGGCAKE (cooking show on OKTO) Dir: Shoshana Rae Stark/ WHAT ART - Creative Productions/ Romana
2013: BAA BAA BLACK SHEEP Dir: Shoshana Rae Stark/ WHAT ART-Creative Productions/ Elizabeth Collins
2012: HEARTBEAT Dir: Romana Carén/ WHAT ART-Creative Productions/ Emilia
2012: WHERE THE WILD ROSES GROW Dir: Romana Carén/ WHAT ART-Creative Productions/ Julia
2009: TATORT Dir: Michael Riebl/ Allegro Film/ Epitarsis
2009: THE PILLARS OF THE EARTH Dir: Sergio Mimica-Gezzan/ Tandem Comm./ Lady am Hof
2009: OH SHIT! Dir: Christoph Schrewe/ Epofilm/ Wissenschaftlerin Nucleara
2009: FURCHT UND ZITTERN Dir: Reinhard Schwabenitzky/ Allegro Film/ Polizistin
2009:SOKO DONAU Dir: Robert Sigl/ Satel Films / Polizistin
2009: GIPFELZIPFLER Dir: Harald Sicheritz/ MR Filmproduktion/ Crew Mitglied
2009: DEN LÖWEN AUCH SPIELEN Dir: Corinna Pumm/ Kundin 3
2009: SISI Dir: Xaver Schwarzenberger/ Sunset/ Ordensschwester Johanna
2009: CARLOS DER SCHAKAL Dir: Olivier Assayas/ Films en Stock
2008: UNIQUE Dir: Louis-Jeremy Spieß/ creativeurge/ Mutter
2007: GOODBYE Dir: Zoltan Deme/ Art Pictures / Yara
1998: LISELOTTE Dir: Johannes Fabrick / wega-Film
Film/TV (Directing, writing & production):
2022: NÜT NOTHING NICHTS KAHICH NAHI NANIMONAI (short film) WHAT ART-Creative Productions - concept, directing and production in collaboration with Hanspeter Horner
2021: DIE ZWEI SCHABERNACK-ENGEL (short film) WHAT ART-Creative Productions - screenplay with Anestis Falk & Benedict Maranius and directing
2020: NO MOTHER (short film) WHAT ART-Creative Productions - screenplay and directing
2019: SMILE WHAT ART - Creative Productions, screenplay together with Benedict Lakinger-Njari and directing
2015-2016: PEACE, JOY & EGGCAKE (cooking show on OKTO) WHAT ART - Creative Productions - concept, script, production
2013: BAA BAA BLACK SHEEP (short film) WHAT ART-Creative Productions - screenplay, Dir: Shoshana Rae Stark
2012: HEARTBEAT (shortfilm) WHAT ART-Creative Productions - screenplay and directing
2012: WHERE THE WILD ROSES GROW (short film) WHAT ART-Creative Productions - screenplay and directing Semi Finalist 22 nd competitioan Short Film Corner Cannes Film Festival 2012
2011: HOPPED UP (feature film) FM Productions, Dir: Michael Fischa - 1st assistant director
2011: MAKE A WISH (short film) Film´84 International - screenplay (together with Pascoe Foxell) and directing Short Film Corner Cannes Film Festival 2011
2010: PORTOBELLO ROAD (feature film) Black Tower, Dir: Ben Zasadski - post-production assistent
2010: THE PERPETRATORS (short film) Dutiful Films, Dir: Nail Adam - Produktionsassistentin
2010: ONE LAST TANGO (short film) London Film Academy, Dir: Lia Mc Quiston - screenplay
2010: LADRI DI BISCOTTI (short film) London Film Academy, screenplay: Kenzo Okamoto - directing
2007: GOODBYE (Episodenfilm) Artpictures, Dir: Zoltan Deme - screenplay
THEATRE Theatre (Acting):
2018: PLANET DER ERDMÄNNCHEN (Planet of the meerkats) Dir: Romana Carén/ Theater Spektakel, Vienna/ Valerie
2018: VIVA LA DIVA Dir: Romana Carén/ Theater Spektakel, Vienna/ Maria
2012: KONGRESS ÜBER MUT (Congress about bravery) Dir: Carmen Brucic/ MuTh, Vienna/ Pirate
2011:SEIN ODER NICHT SEIN (To be or not to be) Dir: Dunja Tot/ Das OFF-Theater, Vienna/ Eva, Elena, Maria, C
2010: MÄDCHEN IN UNIFORM (Girls in uniform) Dir: Dunja Tot/ Das OFF-Theater, Vienna/ the mayor´s wife
2010: WINTERVÖGEL (winter birds) Dir: Dunja Tot/ Theater in der Drachengasse, Vienna/ Emilia
2010: LIEBE Á LA CARTE Dir: Katrine Eichberger/ Schloßgärtnerei Wartholz, Reichenau/ 6 different roles
2009: SYMMETRIEN DES ABSCHIEDS Dir: Carmen Brucic/ Burgtheater, Vienna/ Host
2009: ALT GENUG (The age of consent) Dir: Nina Fog/ Das OFF-Theater, Vienna/ Stephanie
2007: GLÜCKSKÄMPFER (Fighters for happiness) Dir: N. Holoubek, S. Wilde/ Das OFF-Theater, Vienna/ Anastasia
2006: ALICE IM WUNDERLAND Dir: Julian Klein/ Schule des Theaters, Vienna/ Alice
Directing (Theatre)
2018: PLANET DER ERDMÄNNCHEN (Planet of the meerkats, Play) by Romana Carén Spektakel, Vienna
2018: VIVA LA DIVA (Play) by Romana Carén Spektakel, Vienna 2011: LIFE IS A MUSICAL (Musical) Play: Marko Mirkov, Julia Fürst and Romana Carén Das OFF-Theater, Vienna
2005: NORDWIND (Musical) by Bianca Reiterer Stadthalle Ternitz
Writing (Theatre)
2018: PLANET DER ERDMÄNNCHEN (Planet of the meerkats, play) 2018: VIVA LA DIVA (play) 2011: SEIN ODER NICHT SEIN (play, co-written with Dunja Tot) 2010: WINTERVÖGEL (play, co-written with Florian Graf) 2007: GLÜCKSKÄMPFER (play, co-written with Norbert Holoubek, Alexe Schmied and Stefan Wilde)
Tutoring, coaching, teaching
since 2023: Raindance Film School - MA Filmmaking Program Leader & Postgraduate Academic Team Lead since 2016: Raindance Film School, DeMontford University: Postgraduate Degree - module leader, academic advisor, mentor (filmmaking & screenwriting) 2007-2010: Acting Academy Elfriede Ott - vocal instructor 2004-2006: Drama College - vocal instructor Since 2001: acting and singing coach in her own studio